Messages from Jesus
Messages from Jesus, Mary and God the Father - ebook

Mensajes de Jesús, María y Dios el Padre - PREACH REPENTANCE  284   2/1/1996   PREACH REPENTANCE

As you heard today in my Gospel, the apostles set out to PREACH REPENTANCE, this is the bottom line of my message. I am the Lord your Saviour, I save those who repent, who amend their lives, and who produce the fruit in accordance with repentance.
My Good News is that if you change I will forgive your sins and bring you back to eternal life in the spirit.
Unless you purify your robes in my blood, you won't be fit to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
My message given to the prophets and through my gospels to all the nations is to bring my people to Salvation.
With REPENTANCE through the confession of their sins and the admission of their guilt.
With CONVERSION through a change of heart and the production of good works.
With PURIFICATION AND SALVATION first through baptism and then through my blood.
I am the Good Lord anxious to have my message preached and complied with.
Take advantage of your Merciful Lord while the times still smile at you with my Mercy and Grace.
To those who reject my message I have prepared a dreadful end with weeping and gnashing of teeth, with eternal lamentations and curses and with a hopeless state of despair.

Messages from Jesus

Received by Joseph of Jesus and Mary
The Work of God Apostolate
Messages from Jesus, Mary and God the Father mjm©#284


The Work of God

 Messages from Jesus - PREACH REPENTANCE