Messages from Jesus
Messages from Jesus, Mary and God the Father - ebook

Mensajes de Jesús, María y Dios el Padre - PRAYER STRENGTHENS YOUR FAITH  376   4/24/1996   PRAYER STRENGTHENS YOUR FAITH

My child, if you pray with great faith I will answer you, never doubt that.
Prayer is a powerful tool to strengthen your faith. With your prayers send me some person in need of intercession, and if your love is in accordance to my will, what you pray for will be granted. I deny my favours to no one who can come to me with a humble and contrite heart. There are many things that are not in accordance with my Will and obviously they won’t be granted.
When you pray you strengthen your faith. Pray without ceasing my child, pray with confidence to receive my blessings.

Messages from Jesus

Received by Joseph of Jesus and Mary
The Work of God Apostolate
Messages from Jesus, Mary and God the Father mjm©#376


The Work of God