Messages from Jesus, Mary and God the Father
Messages from Jesus, Mary and God the Father

Mensajes de Jesús, María y Dios el Padre - TO KNOW THE FUTURE  752   4/29/1997   TO KNOW THE FUTURE

The Blessed Virgin Mary:
My dear child, it is not for you to know the future or to foretell anything in advance, also it is not for you to search and find in the past the things that are hidden. The Lord hides everything in his Wisdom but reveals to his little children the mysteries of the Kingdom. For this reason you must ask Him in your prayers constantly for the gift of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit reveals the things that concern the Will of God and the sanctification of souls. However a lot of people are invoking knowledge in the darkness of evil spirits, and yes, they are receiving destructive messages and information that can only lead souls to lose the friendship of God.
You must love God just as He is now in your faith, you must love Him in your nothingness, in your spiritual poverty and in your total dependence of Him.
Ask Him to fill you with his Wisdom which starts in the Fear of God.
I bless you my child.

Messages from Jesus, Mary and God the Father

Received by Joseph of Jesus and Mary
The Work of God Apostolate
Messages from Jesus, Mary and God the Father mjm©#752


The Work of God

 Messages from Jesus, Mary and God the Father - TO KNOW THE FUTURE