


(Confide as children in God the Father.) That during this year dedicated to God the Father believers learn to open confidently their hearts to God as children confide in their father and mother.

(A more united world through the faith in God the Father.) That men and women, all over the world, open their hearts to God the Father and become more united among themselves.


(The threat of euthanasia and of assisted suicide.) That weakest among us, especially those suffering from terminal sickness, be safeguarded from the threat of euthanasia and of assisted suicide.

(The religious freedom of the Church in Vietnam.) That the Church in Vietnam have complete religious freedom and the pastors needed to carry out its mission.


(The suppression of the financial indebtedness of the poorer countries.) That Christians promote the gradual suppression of the financial indebtedness of the poorer countries, and that the Jubilee Year, in accord with the Word of God, be a year of debt relief and liberation.

(The Church in Asia faced with Asian religious expectations.) That following on the special Assembly for Asia of the Synod of the Bishops, local Churches announce the Gospel with fearless candor and in a way ever more in keeping with the Asiatic religious world.


(Let's proclaim our faith in the Risen Lord!) That Christians proclaim fearlessly their faith in the Risen Lord in their words and lives and thus make their contribution to the construction of the civilization of love.

(Reconciliation, brotherhood and peace in Africa.) That in Africa, so tried by tensions and violence, the Church accomplish its mission of reconciliation, brotherhood and peace.


(The young, announcers and witnesses of the Word of Jesus.) That the young, creative and dynamic as they are, become witnesses to the word of Jesus, the source of hope, joy and peace.

(Christian parents, educators of their children in the faith.) That, following the example of Mary and with her help, Christian parents educate their children in a deep faith that will be open to apostolic and missionary commitment.


(A Year of reconciliation with God and brothers and sisters.) That in this year dedicated to God the Father there be an increase in the desire and the commitment to overcome division and to be reconciled with God and with our brothers and sisters.

(The Church in Macao and the Chinese people.) That the Church in Macao intensify its missionary service to the Chinese people.


(Christians' welcome to immigrant brothers and sisters.) That Christians, through hospitality, especially to their immigrant brothers and sisters, actively bear witness to the love of God the Father for us all.

(The missionary role of the new Movements in the Church.) That the awareness of their missionary role assert itself in the new Movements and Apostolic Organizations in the Church.


(Let's praise and give thanks to the Most High!) That, from generation to generation, the children of God the Father praise and give thanks to the Most High for his great works incessantly done in the history of humanity.

(The Latin American Churches' missionary spirit.) That, animated by the `VI Latin American Missionary Congress', the Churches in Latin America grow in true missionary spirit in the service of the New Evangelization.


(Mass media and respect of the dignity of the human person.) That media personnel become more and more aware of their own responsibility and commit themselves to respect the dignity of every human person, that has been created in the image of God the Father.

(Material and spiritual assistance of refugees.) That the bread of the Word of God and an effective program for assistance and human advancement be guaranteed to the millions of refugees, especially in Africa.


(Catholic Universities and Christian culture.) That professors and students of Catholic universities may commit themselves to the development of a culture which is illuminated and vivified by the Christian faith.

(Cooperation to the Propagation of the Faith.) That all the baptized, stimulated by the imminent Great Jubilee, may be aware of their vocation to offer full missionary cooperation to Propagation of the Faith.


(Let's accompany those called by God to the priestly, missionary or religious life!) That lay people in the Church, living their own baptismal commitment, accompany with their prayer, counsel and help those who are called by God to the priestly, religious and missionary life.

(Elderly people's missionary cooperation.) That elderly people rediscover happily their important role in our common missionary effort.


("A Saviour has been born to us; he is Christ the Lord".) That in the year 2000 the proclamation of the Gospel good news: "A Saviour has been born to us; he is Christ the Lord", ring out with renewed strength.

(Diocesan priests called to missionary service.) That diocesan priests welcome the ever-insistent call to 'Fidei Donum' missionary service.

From the Vatican, December 31 1997

The Work of God Apostolate
1999 Year of God the Father

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