Messages from Jesus
Messages from Jesus, Mary and God the Father - ebook

Mensajes de Jesús, María y Dios el Padre - FACE TO FACE WITH MY HOLY SPIRIT  169   2/11/1995   FACE TO FACE WITH MY HOLY SPIRIT

After mass See 164
Dream: last night I had a dream, I was on top of a very high tower, I looked down on the city, there were no trees left, all the rivers and lakes were dry.

Take my hand...
I suddenly found myself in a vision, on top a very high mountain, there was a thick cloud covering all the earth, and then the Lord said:
The cloud that you see is the sin of all humanity, it covers the whole world. You know that clouds are removed by the wind and so it will be with this cloud.
I will blow it away with the wind of my Holy Spirit; I will expose the nakedness of humanity, the shame of its sinfulness.
You will be face to face with my Holy Spirit showing you all your wickedness. This will be the last opportunity for sinners to repent. This will be my last act of Mercy before the Final Judgment.
Be prepared.

Messages from Jesus

Received by Joseph of Jesus and Mary
The Work of God Apostolate
Messages from Jesus, Mary and God the Father mjm©#169


The Work of God