Joseph of Jesus and Mary
O my soul, bless the Lord, praise Him, worship Him, exalt Him, magnify Him, glorify Him, forever and ever.
Bless the Lord my soul with everything that is in me. Desire to be with the Lord, obey Him, thank Him, worship Him, accept Him, serve Him.
Believe in the Lord my soul. He is so real, raise my soul, before His Presence, worship Him, live for the Lord my soul.
Bless the Lord my soul, even when I am busy, live for Him and for Him only, worship the Lord every moment of my life.
O my soul, burn with desire for the Lord, desire to be with Him only, desire Him above everything else. Burn with great desire for Him.
O my soul seek the Lord and his strength; seek his presence continually. Ps 105:4 (Read psalms 103-4-5)