Treasury of Prayers - Spiritual meditations, inspirations, reflections, great treasure - The Work of God - Index
treasury of prayers

Prayer to Our Lady taught to St. Gertrude - Treasury of Prayers, Catholic inspirations, meditations, reflexions Prayer to Our Lady taught to St. Gertrude

Author: Our Lady to Saint Gertrude

Prayer to Our Lady taught to St. Gertrude - Treasury of Prayers, Catholic inspirations, meditations, reflexions

O most chaste Virgin Mary, I beseech thee by that unspotted purity wherewith thou didst prepare for the Son of God a dwelling of delight in thy virginal womb, that by thine intercession I may be cleansed by every stain of sin.

O most humble Virgin Mary, I beseech thee by that most profound humility whereby thou didst merit to be raised high above all the choirs of the angels and the saints, that by thine intercession all my negligence may be expiated.

O most loving Virgin Mary I beseech thee, by that ineffable love which united thee so closely and so inseparably to God, that by thine intercession I may obtain an abundance of all merits.
The Work of God Apostolate - tp©#60

Treasury of Prayers - Index

The Work of God

 Treasury of Prayers - Catholic inspirations, meditations, reflexions - Prayer to Our Lady taught to St. Gertrude