Treasury of Prayers - Spiritual meditations, inspirations, reflections, great treasure - The Work of God - Index
treasury of prayers

Grace before meals - Treasury of Prayers, Catholic inspirations, meditations, reflexions Grace before meals

Author: Joseph of Jesus and Mary

Grace before meals - Treasury of Prayers, Catholic inspirations, meditations, reflexions

Lord, bless us and bless this food that you give us.

May you be glorified Holy Father because you satisfy the needs of all your creatures.

Give to the poor, to the needy, to the victims of war, hunger, injustice, calamities, natural disasters. Give to all who suffer, to all who ask, give sinners the grace of conversion. And give us all the daily bread, Jesus the Eucharist.

From the Church
Bless us, O Lord, and these, Thy gifts, which we are about to receive from Thy bounty. Through Christ, our Lord. Amen." (Preceded and followed by the Sign of the Cross.)
The Work of God Apostolate - tp©#108

Treasury of Prayers - Index

The Work of God

 Treasury of Prayers - Catholic inspirations, meditations, reflexions - Grace before meals