Joseph of Jesus and Mary
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. AMEN.
When I bless myself with the sign of the cross, I dress my soul with the holy wounds of Christ who died for my sins.
The image of my soul that has been destroyed by sin receives the restoration and protection of my Lord and Savior.
"Lord Jesus Christ, imprint on my soul your most holy wounds, so that I may be cleansed of all my sin, free me Lord from all unrighteousness."
In the name of the Father,
I bless my soul with the holy wounds of the sacred head of Jesus and with the sufferings of his mind, so that I can keep my soul always in the Presence of God.
In the name of the Son,
I bless my soul with the holy wounds of their sacred feet, so that I can always walk on the path of Salvation and proclaim the Word of God to others.
In the name of the Holy Spirit,
I bless my soul with the holy wounds of Jesus' sacred hands, so that I can always do the Work of God.
In the name of the Blessed Virgin Mary,
I bless my soul with the holy wounds of Her Immaculate Heart, so that I may receive a heart full of love for God and charity for my neighbour.