Holy Spirit miracles - Power of God - Power from above

Holy Spirit miracles - Power of God - Power from above, Petitions Petitions
Since we feel the Presence of the Lord in our prayer group, it is very important that we express our petitions with thanksgiving to God for the Graces we receive. Members of the prayer meeting are encouraged to speak and to make their petitions known so that we can all pray to the Lord for the same intentions, although these intentions can be expressed in silence too.

Holy Spirit miracles - Power from above Petitions
Holy Spirit miracles - Power of God - Power from above

Author: Joseph of Jesus and Mary ©

Holy Spirit miracles - Power of God - Power from above     Holy Spirit miracles - Power of God - Power from above, If today you hear his word, harden not your heart.

Holy Spirit miracles - Power of God - Power from abovePetitions