The Work of God    |   The Saints

Saint Catherine of Siena Saint Catherine of Siena

She was the youngest child in a large family. At the age of 6 she had a vision in which Jesus appeared and blessed her. Her parents wanted her to marry, but she became a Dominican Tertiary.
She was a mystic and received the stigmata. She had vision in which she was in a mystical marriage with Christ, and the Infant Christ presented her with a wedding ring.
She acted as a Counsellor to Pope Gregory XI and Pope Urban VI.
She received many visions and enjoyed conversations with the Heavenly Father.
Her work:
The Dialogue of the Seraphic Virgin St. Catherine of Siena
A Treatise of Divine Providence , a Treatise of Discretion,  a Treatise of Prayer  and a Treatise of Obedience


The Work of God Apostolate

Saint Catherine of Siena