Mystical City of God - Virgin Mary

By Sor Maria of Agreda


  INDEX   Book 7  Chapter  16    Verses:  307-333

307. When Lucifer and the infernal chiefs, after the
conversion of saint Paul, were plotting vengeance on the
most holy Mary and the children of the Church, as de
scribed in the last chapter, they did not apprehend that
the knowledge of this great Queen and Mistress of the
world penetrated into those obscure and profound abysses
of hell and extended to the most hidden secrets of their
evil counsels. Thus deceived, the blood-thirsty dragons
esteemed their victory and the full execution of their
schemes against Her and the disciples of her Son as most
certain. But from her retreat, the blessed Mother with
the clearness of her heavenly science, knew of all their
conferences and understood all the intrigues of these
enemies of the light. She perceived all their aims and
the means which they intended to use; their wrath
against God and against Her, and their mortal hatred
against the Apostles and the rest of the faithful. Al
though the most prudent Lady was well aware that the
demons could execute none of their fury without the
permission of the Lord, yet, as this conflict in mortal life
is unavoidable and as She knew the weakness of men
and their only too common ignorance of the demoniacal
astuteness and malice intent on their perdition, She was
filled with great solicitude and sorrow at the unanimous
resolve of those jealous enemies for the destruction of
the faithful.
308. In addition to this knowledge and to the charity
directly drawn from the Lord, She was endowed with
another kind of tireless activity, similar to that of the
Divinity, which continues without interruption as one
pure act The most diligent Mother was ceaselessly
actuated by her love and solicitude for the glory of the
Most High and the consolation and protection of her
children. At the same time She pondered in her most
chaste bosom upon the supernal mysteries, conferring
the past with the present, and both with the future, and
preparing for it with a more than human discretion and
foresight. Her most ardent desire of the salvation of all
the faithful and her maternal compassion for their labors
and dangers, compelled Her to estimate all their tribu
lations and perils as her own and, as far as her love was
concerned, She desired to suffer them all Herself, if pos
sible, while the rest of the followers of Christ should
labor in the Church without molestation, meriting in
joyful peace grace and life eternal for themselves and
leaving to Her alone all sorrows and tribulations. Al
though this was not possible according to the equitable
providence of God, yet we stand indebted to the most
holy Mary for this extraordinary and wonderful token
of love, and not unfrequently her anxious and restless
love merits for us great blessings, which the Omnipotent
concedes in order to satisfy her yearnings for our sal
309. She did not know on this occasion, what in
particular were the resolves of the hellish foes in their
conference; for She understood only in general, that
their fury was directed against Her in an especial man
ner. Divine Providence concealed from Her some of
their designs, in order that the triumph She would gain
over hell might afterwards be so much the more glorious.
Nor was it necessary to prepare Her for temptations
and persecutions, as was conceded to other faithful,
whom She so excelled in high and magnanimous spirit,
and of whose trials and tribulations She had a clearer
knowledge. According to her wont in all affairs, she
resorted to prayer, consulting about them with God in
pursuance of the example and teaching of the Lord. For
this purpose She retired and, prostrating Herself in ad
mirable reverence and fervor upon the ground, thus be
sought Him :
310. "Most high Lord and eternal God, holy and in
comprehensible, behold here prostrate before Thee thy
humble handmaid and vile wormlet of the earth, suppli
cating Thee, eternal Father, through thy onlybegotten
Son and my Lord Jesus Christ. Do not despise my peti
tions and sighs, which from my inmost soul I present to
thy immense charity in union with that which, derived
from the furnace of thy own love, Thou hast communi
cated to thy slave. In the name of all thy holy Church, of
thy Apostles and thy faithful servants, I present to Thee,
O Lord, the sacrifice of the passion and death of thy
Onlybegotten; that of his sacramental body, the most
acceptable petitions and prayers He offered to Thee dur
ing the time of his mortal and passible life, the love
with which He assumed flesh for the Redemption of the
world in my womb, his imprisonment there and his rear
ing at my breast ; all this I offer in order to be permitted
to ask Thee for that which Thou seest in the desire of
my heart."
311. During this prayer the great Queen was raised
in divine ecstasy, in which She saw her Onlybegotten at
the right hand of the eternal Father, asking Him to
concede to his most blessed Mother all her petitions and
representing to Him, that She was his true Mother, en
tirely pleasing to the Divinity and worthy of being re
ceived and heard in all her prayers. She saw also, that
the eternal Father assented and was pleased with his
request, and that looking upon Her, He said: "Mary,
my daughter, ascend higher." At this bidding of the
Most High, an innumerable multitude of angels of dif
ferent hierarchies descended from heaven, who surround
ed Her and raised Her from the earth on which She lay
prostrate. They then bore Her up body and soul to the
empyrean heaven and placed Her before the throne of
the most holy Trinity, which manifested Itself to Her by
a most exalted, not intuitive, but imaginary vision. She
prostrated Herself before the throne and adored God
in the three Persons with the most profound humility and
reverence, at the same time thanking her divine Son for
having presented her petition to the eternal Father and
asking Him again to do so. The divine Lord, at the
right hand of his Father, acknowledging Her as his
worthy Mother and the Queen of heaven, would not
forget the obedience He had shown Her on earth (Luke
2, 51) ; but, in the presence of all the courtiers of heaven,
renewed the acknowledgment of his filial obligations and
again presented to the Father the wishes and prayers of
his most blessed Mother. And the eternal Father
answered in these words :
312. "My Son, in whom my will finds the plenitude of
satisfaction, my ears are attentive to clamors of thy
Mother and my clemency is inclined toward all her de
sires and petitions." Then turning to the most blessed
Mary, he said: "My beloved Daughter, chosen from
myriads according to my pleasure, thou shalt be the in
strument of my Omnipotence and the Treasure of my
love. Let thy anxiety rest and tell Me, my Daughter,
what thou askest; for, toward thy desires and petitions,
which are holy in my eyes, my will inclines." Thus
favored the blessed Mary answered. "My eternal Father
and most high God, who art the Author and Preserver of
the whole world, thy holy Church is the object of my
solicitude and prayer. Remember in thy kindness, that
it is the work of thy Onlybegotten, who became man and
acquired and planted it by his own blood (Act 20, 28).
Anew the infernal dragon and all thy enemies, his allies,
are raising up against it and are attempting the ruin and
perdition of all thy faithful, who are the fruit of the
Redemption of thy Son. Confound the evil councils of
the ancient serpent and defend thy servants, the Apostles,
and the other faithful of the Church. In order that
they may be freed from the attacks and fury of these
enemies, let them all direct their assaults against me, if
possible. I, my Lord, am only one poor creature, and
thy servants are many: let them enjoy thy favors and
thy peace, by which they advance thy exaltation and
glory, and let me suffer the tribulations, which threaten
them. Let me battle against thy enemies and Thou, by
the power of thy arm, shalt overcome and confound
their malice."
313. "My spouse and my Beloved," answered the
eternal Father, "thy desires are acceptable in my eyes and
I will grant thy petition as far as is possible. I shall
defend my servants in what is proper and conducive to
my glory, and permit them to suffer in what is necessary
for their crown. In order that thou mayest understand
the secret of my wisdom, by which these mysteries are
to be fulfilled, I wish to raise thee to my throne, where
thy ardent charity merits thee a place in the consistory
of our great counsels and in the participation of our
divine attributes. Come, my Beloved, and thou shalt
understand our secrets for the government of the Church,
its increase and progress ; and thou shalt follow thy will,
which is ours, now about to be manifested to thee." By
the force of these most sweet words Mary felt Herself
raised to the throne of the Divinity and placed at the
right hand of her Son to the admiration and joy of all
the blessed, who recognized the voice and the will of
the Almighty. And truly it was wonderful and new to
all the angels and saints to see a Woman, in mortal flesh,
called and elevated to the throne and council of the most
blessed Trinity in order to be informed of the mysteries
hidden to the rest and enshrined in the bosom of God
for the government of the Church.
314. It would seem astounding, if in some city of
this world some woman were called to the councils of
the government, and still more surprising to introduce her
into the select and close circles, where the more difficult
the important matters of the whole government are dis
cussed and transacted. Such a course would of right
seem hazardous, since Solomon says, that in seeking
truth and reason among men he found but one out of a
thousand who followed it, and among women not one.
On account of their natural frailty, there are so few of
them who possess constancy and integrity of judgment,
that ordinarily it is presumed in none, and if there are
any, they are scarcely capable of managing affairs that
are difficult of understanding and require deep insight,
unless they are aided by other light beyond the ordinary
and natural. This common law did not extend to our
great Queen and Lady; for if on the one hand our
mother Eve, in her ignorance, began by destroying the
palace of this world built by God, on the other hand the
most blessed Mary, who was most wise and the Mother
of wisdom, rebuilt it and restored ,it by her peerless
prudence ; and therefore She was worthy to enter into the
councils of the most holy Trinity where its restoration
was to be planned.
315. There She was again asked what favors She
requested and desired for Herself and for the whole
Church, in particular for the Apostles and disciples
of the Lord. The most prudent Mother repeated
her most fervent desires for the glory and exalta
tion of God s holy name, and for restriction of the
persecution designed by the enemies of the Lord against
the faithful. Although the three Persons of the most
holy Trinity well knew all her desires, yet they com
manded the great Lady to propose them, in order to elicit
their approbation and delight and in order to make Her
more capable of new mysteries of their divine Wisdom
and the predestination of the elect. To explain what has
been shown me of this sacrament, I will say, that, be
cause the will of the most holy Mary was most just, holy,
and in all things pleasing and conformable to the most
blessed Trinity, it seems (according to our way of under
standing such things) God could not will anything con
trary to this most pure Lady; for He was bent in the
direction of her holiness and was wounded by the hair
and eyes of so beloved a Spouse (Cant. 4, 9), and One so
singular among all creatures ; and since the Father looked
upon Her as his Daughter, the Son as his Mother, and
the Holy Ghost as his Spouse, and since all Three had
entrusted to Her the Church in fullest confidence, there
fore the three Persons did not wish to decree the exe
cution of anything without, as it were, consulting the
wisdom and the pleasure of the Queen of all Creation.
316. In order that the will of the Most High and of
the most blessed Mary might coincide in these decrees,
it was necessary that the great Lady should first receive
a new measure of science and insight into the most
hidden counsels of his providence, by which all the
affairs of his creatures are arranged in weight and mea
sure (Wis. 11, 21) and all their means and ends in high
est equity and propriety. For this purpose the most
holy Mary received on this occasion a most clear insight
in all that was to be done and preordained by the divine
power in the Church militant. She saw the most hidden
reason for all that was to be done ; how many and which
of the Apostles were to die before She should pass from
this life; the labors they were to undertake for the name
of the Lord; the reason why all this should be so
according to the secret judgments of God, and the pre
destination of saints ; and why they should thus shed their
blood for the planting of the Church, just as the Lord
and Redeemer had shed his for its foundation in his
Passion and Death. She understood also how, through
her own compassion and sorrow at seeing the sufferings
of the Apostles and followers of Christ, She could com
pensate Herself for not being allowed to take upon Her
self their sufferings as She desired ; for this momentary
labor could not be spared them, if they were to reach
the eternal reward in store for them (II Cor. 4, 17). To
afford the great Lady an opportunity for this kind of
merit, She was informed of the near death of saint
James and the imprisonment of saint Peter, but not of
his liberation by an angel. She understood also, that
the Lord portioned out to the Apostles and the faithful
that kind of suffering or martyrdom, which corresponded
with each one s grace and strength of soul.
317. In order to satisfy in all things the most ardent
charity of this purest Mother, the Lord permitted Her
to fight anew all the battles with the dragons of hell and
gain over them victories and triumphs, which the rest of
the mortals shall never attain. By this means She was
to crush their head and humble their pride, weakening
their forces and breaking their strength, which they were
mustering against the faithful. God renewed in Her all
his gifts and participations in his divine attributes, and
each of the three Persons gave Her his blessings. The
holy angels brought Her back to the Cenacle in the
way as they had brought Her to the empyrean heaven.
As soon as She found Herself recovered from her ec
stasy, She prostrated Herself with her face upon the
ground in the form of a cross and with most tender
tears and incredible humility thanked the Almighty for
this new blessing conferred upon Her in answer to her
most humble petitions. For some time She conferred
with her holy angels concerning the mysteries and neces
sities of the Church in order to attend to its most press
ing needs. It seemed advisable to prepare and encourage
the Apostles for coming trouble, since the common
enemy was to direct his main battle against them. For
this purpose She spoke to saint Peter, saint John and
the rest in Jerusalem, advising them of many particulars,
that were to happen to them and to the whole Church,
confirming the report of the conversion of saint Paul
and telling them of the zeal, with which he was preach
ing the name of his Master and Lord.
318. To those Apostles and disciples, who were not
in Jerusalem, She sent angels, in order to notify them of
the conversion of saint Paul and in order to prepare and
encourage them with the same good counsels as those in
Jerusalem. She sent an especial angelic messenger to warn
saint Paul of the intended assaults of the devil and to
animate and confirm him with the hope of divine assist
ance in his tribulations. Obediently the angels fulfilled
all these errands with their accustomed celerity, mani
festing themselves in visible forms to the Apostles and
disciples. All of them were exceedingly consoled and en
couraged by these favors of the most blessed Mary; and
each one answered through the same envoys, sending
humble acknowledgment and offering themselves to die
for the honor of their Redeemer and Master. Saint
Paul especially showed his gratitude in his answer; for
his desire of seeing and thanking his Protectress urged
him to demonstrate his devotion in a more fervent man
ner. He was at that time in Damascus preaching and
disputing in the synagogues, although soon after he went
to Arabia to preach ; but from there he afterwards came
to Damascus a second time, as I shall relate further
319. Saint James the great was farther away than
any of the others. He was the first one to leave Jerusa
lem, and, having preached some days in Judea, he de
parted for Spain. For this journey he embarked at
Joppe, which is now called Jaffa, in the year thirty-five
in the month of August, called Sextilis, one year and five
months after the passion of the Lord, eight months after
the martyrdom of saint Stephen and five months before
the conversion of saint Paul, all according to what I said
in the eleventh and fourteenth chapters of this last part.
Sailing from Jaffa, saint James touched at Sardinia and
shortly afterwards arrived in Spain, disembarking at the
port of Carthagena where he began his preaching. He
tarried but a short time in Carthagena, and guided by
the Spirit of the Lord, He took his way to Granada,
where he was made aware that the harvest was bountiful
and the occasion opportune for beginning his labors for
his Master; and so it really turned out.
320. Before going farther I will state, that saint James
was one of the most intimate and beloved disciples of the
great Mistress of the world. Though he was related to
Her, as was also saint John, his brother, not much of
this predilection could be seen in her exterior conduct,
on account of the impartiality of the most prudent Lady,
already referred to in chapter the eleventh. With regard
to saint John the whole apostolic college knew that the
Lord had appointed him as the Son of his most pure
Mother; therefore the most prudent Lady was not under
such restrictions in regard to exterior tokens of love with
saint John as She was with saint James and the other
Apostles. But interiorly the blessed Lady loved saintjames
with special tenderness, as I have already stated in the
second part, and She manifested it in extraordinary
favors, conferred upon him during his life until his
martyrdom. Saint James deserved these favors on ac
count of his special piety and affection toward Mary,
distinguishing himself therein from all the rest. He
needed the protection of the great Queen, because he was
of a generous and magnanimous heart, and of a most
fervent spirit, being resistlessly drawn on to offer him
self for labors and dangers. Hence he was the first one
to go forth preaching the faith and the first of all the
Apostles to suffer martyrdom. While on his missionary
journeys he was indeed like the lightning flash, like the
son of thunder, as he was called and designated by his
brethren upon entering into the apostolate (Marc. 3, 17).
321. During his labors in Spain the demons raised up
incredible persecutions through the unbelieving Jews. Nor
were those of small import which he afterwards met
in Italy and Asia Minor, whither he had returned to
preach and to suffer his martyrdom. This he under
went in Jerusalem, having in the few years of his apos
tolate traveled in many distant countries. As it cannot
be my purpose to relate all that saint James suffered in
his extensive journeys, I will record only what concerns
more closely this history. In general I have understood
that the great Queen of heaven watched over him with
an especial love, for reasons already stated, and that
through her angels She defended and rescued him from
many and great dangers, consoled him and comforted
him many times, sending information and advice, such
as he needed more particularly and oftener than the other
Apostles during his short life. Many times also Christ
our Savior sent angels from heaven to defend his great
Apostle and to carry him from one region to another
during his missionary travels.
322. During the time of his preaching in these Spanish
kingdoms, the great Queen, besides many other tokens of
her love, twice favored saint James by a personal visit
in order to defend him in his tribulations and dangers.
In Saragossa happened one of these visits or apparitions,
which is no less certain than celebrated in the world and
which cannot be denied without doing violence to a wellknown
fact, corroborated and witnessed by great mir
acles and the traditions of sixteen hundred and more
years. Of this I will speak in the next chapter. Of the
other miraculous visit I do not know whether there is
any record in Spain ; for it happened not so publicly. As
was revealed to me, it took place in Granada, and in the
following manner. The Jews had in that city some
synagogues, maintained there ever since the time of
their first coming from Palestine to Spain; for, on ac
count of the fertility of the soil and the facility of com
munication with Palestine by sea, they could live there
more comfortably. When saint James came to preach in
Granada, they were already informed of what concerned
Christ our Redeemer. Although some of them desired
to become acquainted with his doctrine and the grounds
upon which it rested, yet others, the greater number, hav
ing been influenced by the devil not to believe, and to
reject his teaching, would not permit his doctrines to be
preached even to the heathens, as being contrary to the
rites of the Jews and of Moses and as endangering
Judaism, if once received by the gentiles. Stirred on by
this diabolical deceit the Jews hindered the faith from
spreading among heathens, who knowing Christ to be a
Jew and seeing his own countrymen and co-religionists
persecuting Him as a false deceiver, hesitated in becoming
his adherents in the beginnings of the Church.
323. When saint James therefore came to preach in
Granada, the Jews commenced their opposition, proclaim
ing him as an adventurer, a deceiver, the author of false
sects, a legerdemain and enchanter. Saint James brought
twelve disciples with him, in imitation of his Master.
As all of them persisted in preaching, the hatred of the
Jews and of their followers increased, so that they wished
to assassinate the disciples; and they really killed one
of them, who in his ardent zeal had opposed the Jews.
But as the holy Apostle and his disciples not only not
feared death, but courted suffering for the name of
Christ, they continued to preach the faith with still greater
zeal. Having thus labored for many days and converted
many of the infidels of that city and province, the fury
of the Jews rose to a higher pitch. They seized them all
and led them forth bound and fettered beyond the city
walls and there likewise chained their feet, for they
considered them to be magicians and sorcerers who might
otherwise escape. As their enemies made preparations
to decapitate them all immediately, the holy Apostle
ceased not to call upon the Most High and
Virgin Mother, praying as follows : "Most holy
Mary, Mother of my Lord the Redeemer Jesus Christ,
extend thy favor in this hour to thy humble servant.
Pray for me, sweetest and kindest Mother, and for these
faithful professors of the faith. If it is the will of the
Most High, that we here give our lives for the glory of
his holy name, do Thou ask, O Lady, that my soul may
be received in his presence. Remember me, most clement
Mother, and bless me in the name of Him who chose
Thee among all creatures. Receive in sacrifice my resig
nation to the misfortune of not seeing Thee, if this is
to be the last day of my life. O Mary ! O Mary !"
324. These last words saint James repeated many
times. But from her oratory in the Cenacle, where She
was favored by an especially clear vision, the great Queen
heard all and saw what was passing with her most be
loved apostle saint James. Thus informed She was
moved with tenderest compassion at the tribulation of her
servant and at his clamors. She felt still more sorrow
at being so far away, and, as She knew that nothing is
difficult to the divine power, She entertained the loving
desire of helping and defending the Apostle in his dan
ger. As She knew moreover that this Apostle was to
be the first to shed his blood for her divine Son, her
compassion became more vehement. But She did not ask
the Lord or the angels to bring Her to the place where
saint James then was; because her admirable prudence
prevented Her from making such a petition. For She
knew that divine Providence would need no such re
minder on her part, nor fail in anything that was neces
sary. In asking such miracles, as long as She lived in
the flesh, She exercised highest discretion and restraint
always subjecting her desires to the will of the Lord.
325. But her Son and true God, who took notice of
the wishes of such a Mother, knowing that they were
holy, just and full of piety, immediately commanded the
thousand angels of her guard to assist Her and fulfill
the will of their Queen and Lady. They all manifested
themselves to Her in human shape and told Her what
the Most High had commanded. Without delay they
placed Her upon a throne made of a beautiful cloud and
carried Her to the field in Spain, where saint James and
his companions were awaiting martyrdom in their
fetters. Their enemies had already bared their scimitars
or swords to strike off their heads. The Apostle alone
saw the Queen of heaven in the clouds from which She
spoke to him in most endearing terms, saying: "James,
my son and dearest friend of my Lord Jesus Christ, be
of good heart and be blessed eternally by Him who called
and brought thee to his divine light. Rise then, faithful
servant of the Most High, and be free of thy bonds."
The Apostle, as far as he had been able in his fetters,
had prostrated himself upon the ground. At the words
of the powerful Queen his fetters and those of his dis
ciples instantly fell and they found themselves free. The
Jews, on the contrary, who stood with drawn weapons,
all fell to the earth where they remained for some hours
deprived of their senses. The demons, who had ac
companied them and stirred them on, were hurled to the
profound abysses, thus leaving saint James and his dis
ciples at liberty and giving thanks to the Almighty
for this blessing. The Apostle most fervently thanked
the heavenly Mother with exceeding humility and in the
jubilee of his soul. His disciples, although they did not
see the Queen or her angels, understood the miracle and
were informed by the Apostle of some of the particulars,
by which they might be confirmed in faith, hope and
devotion toward the most blessed Mary.
326. The heavenly Queen still more extended this
favor; for She not only freed saint James from imminent
death, but wished all Spain to benefit from his preaching
and instruction. From Granada She ordered him to
continue his journeys, commanding hundreds of her
guardian angels to accompany him and show him the
way from one place to another, to defend him and his
disciples from all dangers, and finally, after having trav
ersed all the provinces of Spain, to bring him to
Saragossa. All this the hundred angels set about doing
according to the orders of their Queen, while the rest
brought Her back to Jerusalem. In such celestial company
and guardianship saint James traveled through all the
Spanish realm, more securely than the Israelites through
the desert. In Granada he left some of his disciples, who
afterwards suffered martyrdom, and with the others and
those he afterwards gathered, he continued his mission
ary tours in many parts of Andalusia. Then he
came to Toledo, Portugal Galicia and Asturia. Af
terwards, making digressions to different places,
he arrived in Rioja, thence, passing through Lograno,
he went to Tudela and Saragossa, where happened
what I shall relate in the next chapter. During
his peregrinations saint James left disciples as bishops
in the different cities of Spain, planting the faith and
divine worship. So great and prodigious were the mir
acles he performed in this kingdom, that those of which
we know must not appear extraordinary in comparison
with those we know nothing of, since these are much
more astonishing. The fruit of his preaching in Spain
was immense in proportion to the shortness of his stay ;
and it would be a great error to say or think, that the
conversions he made were few, for in all the places
reached by him, he established the faith and ordained
many bishops for the government of the children he en
gendered to Christ in this kingdom.
327. In concluding this chapter I wish to state, that
by different means I was made acquainted with the many
contrary opinions of ecclesiastical historians concerning
the things which I am describing; as for instance, con
cerning the departure of the Apostles from Jerusalem
for the purpose of preaching the faith, the partition
among them of the world by lot, the establishing of the
Creed, the departure of saint James and his death. About
all these and other events, I understand, writers differ
very much in assigning the years or dates of their hap
pening and in harmonizing them with the text of the
canonical writings. But I have no commission from
the Lord to clear up these and other doubts, or decide
the controversies. From the very beginning I have said,
that the Lord commanded me to write this history with
out regard to opinions, and without mixing up my certain
knowledge with opinions. If what I write follows nat
urally and does not contradict in any way the sacred text,
and at the same time maintains the dignity corresponding
to the matter, I cannot undertake to add to the authen
ticity of this history, and Christian piety will ask for no
more. It is also possible that, by proceeding in this
manner, some of the differences of historians may be
made to harmonize, and to this the well-read and the
learned will attend.
328. My daughter, the miracle of my being raised by
the divine power to the sovereign throne of God in order
that I might be consulted in the decrees of his divine
wisdom and will, as described by thee in this chapter, is
so great and extraordinary, that it exceeds all the ca
pacity of man in this mortal life, and only in eternal
glory and in beatific vision men shall recognize this
sacrament with a most special joy of accidental glory.
As this blessing and wonderful privilege was the effect
and the reward of the most ardent charity with which I
loved and do love the highest Good, and of the humility
by which I considered myself as his slave, and as these
virtues truly raised me to the throne of the Divinity and
established me there even while yet in mortal flesh, I wish
thee to have a more intimate knowledge of this mystery,
which without a doubt was one of the most exalted
wrought in me by the divine Omnipotence and which
excited the greatest wonder in the angels and saints.
Thy own admiration I wish thee to turn into a most vigi
lant care and into a most lively desire of imitating me and
in following me in the virtues, by which I merited such
329. Remember then, my dearest, that not only once,
but many times was I raised to the throne of the most
holy Trinity in mortal flesh during the time which inter
vened from the descent of the Holy Ghost to my Assump
tion to eternal glory. In what still remains for thee to
write of my life, thou wilt understand many other
secrets connected with this privilege. And every time
the puissant right hand of the Most High showed me
this favor I experienced most copious effects of graces
and gifts, according to the different ways of the divine
Omnipotence and according to my, as it were, ineffable
and boundless capacity of participating in the divine per
fections. Sometimes in conferring upon me these favors
the eternal Father said to me : "My Daughter and Spouse,
thy love and fidelity bind Us to thee more than to any
other creature and fill Us with the plenitude of satisfac
tion. Ascend to our throne, so that thou mayest be
absorbed in the abyss of our Divinity and hold in this
Trinity the fourth place, as far as is possible to a mere
creature. Take possession of our glory, the treasures of
which We place in thy hands. Thine are the heavens,
the earth and all the abysses. Enjoy in this mortal life all
the privileges of the blessed more fully than all the
saints. Let all the nations and creatures, whom: We
have called into existence, serve thee; let the powers of
heaven obey thee, let the supreme seraphim be subject to
thee and let all blessings be thine own in our divine
consistory. Be thou enlightened as to the great counsels
of our wisdom and divine will and do thou take part, in
our decrees, since thy will is most equitous and faithful.
Penetrate into the reasons for whatever We resolve in
justice and holiness; and let thy will and thy motives
be one with ours in whatever We provide for our holy
330. In such ineffable condescension the Most High
governed my will, that He conformed it entirely to his
own and that nothing was done in the Church without
my decision, which was to be conformable to that of
the Lord himself, since He knew the appropriate reasons
and motives for each of the decrees of his eternal coun
sels. I saw that it was not possible for me according
to the common law to suffer all the labors and tribulations
of the Church and especially not of the Apostles, as I
had desired. This charitable desire, though it was im
possible of execution, was not a deviation from the
divine will, but was given to me by God as a token and
witness of the boundless love with which I loved Him;
for it was on account of the love of the Lord toward
men, that I desired to take upon myself the labors and
sufferings of all men. And because on my part this love
was true and my heart was prepared to fulfill this charity,
and as I truly grieved not to be able to suffer for all,
therefore it was so acceptable in the eyes of the Lord and
He rewarded it as if I had really fulfilled it in deed.
Hence arose my compassion for the martyrdom and tor
ments of the Apostles and the others persecuted for
Christ; in all of them and with all of them I was afflicted
and tormented, and in some measure died their death.
Such was the love I had for my faithful children; and,
with the exception of suffering), it is the same now,
although Christians do not suspect or know how much
my charity deserves their gratitude.
331. I received these ineffable blessings from the
right hand of my divine Son at the time when I was
raised from the world and placed at his side, partaking of
his exaltation and glory in the full measure possible to a
mere creature. The hidden decrees and sacraments of
the infinite Wisdom were first made manifest to the
most holy humanity of my Lord, which, being united
to the eternal Word, was the admirable medium of the
Divinity. Through this humanity in another manner, they
were communicated to me ; for the union of his humanity
with the Word is immediate and substantial and hence it
participates intrinsically of the Divinity and of its de
crees, in a manner corresponding to the substantial
and personal union. I however partook of this favor by
another wonderful and unexampled process, considering
that I was a mere creature and not having the divine
nature ; in a manner similar to the most holy humanity
and as one, who, next to the Mangod, was closest to the
Divinity. Thou canst not at present understand more
or penetrate deeper into this mystery. But the blessed
understood it, each one according to his degree of heav
enly science; and all of them understood this con
formity and similitude of myself with my divine son,
as well as the difference between me and Him. All of
this was, and is now, to them a motive for new canticles
of glory and praise of the Omnipotent; for this was one
of the great wonders wrought in me by the powerful
right hand of God.
332. In order that thou mayest increase the force of
thy holy affections and desires as well of nature as of
grace, although they may not be within the possibility
of execution, I will reveal to thee another secret. It is
this : when I perceived the effects of the Redemption in
the justification of souls by the operation of grace through
contrition, or through Baptism and the other Sacraments,
I conceived such an esteem for them, that I was filled
with a holy emulation and desire to participate in their
effects. As I had no sins of which I could be cleansed and
justified, I could not partake of their effects in the same
degree as the sinners who received them. But because I
wept over their sins more than they all, and as I thanked
the Lord .for these blessings so liberally conferred upon
them, I gained more graces than were necessary to justify
all the children of Adam. So much the Most High per
mitted Himself to be indebted to my works and such was
their merit of grace in the eyes of God.
333. And now, my daughter, consider under what ob
ligations thou art after being informed and enlightened
concerning these great and venerable secrets. Let not
these talents lie idle, nor waste or despise such great
blessings of the Lord; follow me in perfect imitation
of all my doings manifested to thee. In order that thou
mayest nourish the flame of divine love, ceaselessly bear
in mind how my most holy Son and I in this mortal life
sighed and ardently yearned for the salvation of all the
children of Adam and wept over the eternal perdition
incurred by so many in their deceitful and counterfeit
pleasures. In this charitable zeal I wish thee to distin
guish thyself very much, as my daughter and disciple,
and as a most faithful spouse of my Son, who delivered
Himself to the death of the Cross on this very account.
For if the force of this love did not take away my
life, it was because the Lord miraculously preserved it;
and this is the love which placed me upon the throne of
God and made me partaker of the counsels of the most
blessed Trinity. If thou, my dear, shalt be as diligent and
fervent in imitating me and as anxious to obey me, as
I expect of thee, I asure thee of a participation in the fa
vors shown to my servant James ; I will hasten to thy aid
in thy tribulations; I will govern thee, as I have so often
promised thee; and more than this, the Most High will
be more liberal with thee than all thy highest wishes
can ever hope to compass.
the Work of God Apostolate - mcog #185                                                

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