Messages from Jesus, Mary and God the Father
Messages from Jesus, Mary and God the Father

Mensajes de Jesús, María y Dios el Padre - Peace  807   5/15/2018   Peace

My son, I bless you and I give you my Peace, I want you to always be in that Peace and treasure this celestial gift. The peace that I give is something beyond human understanding, because it is the secure disposition that allows you to be in my Presence.

The soul is like a lake, the storms of life cause waves and movements that do not allow that lake to reflect my image. When everything is serene, when there is inner silence, when nothing disturbs the stillness of the soul, the surface of this lake is like a mirror that can reflect my light and can absorb my image as a camera does, the quieter, the more perfect and clear is the image that it captures. these looks of the soul to my spirit are moments of much peace and they allow spiritual growth because the soul is before my Presence and absorbs me in silence, receiving my blessing.

Many people do almost everything well; but any small thing bothers them, disturbs them, annoys them, and makes them lose their peace. Likewise, the enemy is an expert in causing these annoyances so that the soul is deprived of my Presence, for this reason the soul must cooperate to settle permanently in my Peace and not lose it for anything in the world.

Peace cannot come to the soul full of guilt, that is why it is necessary to confess and expiate sin, until Peace fills the soul as a result of its reconciliation with its creator.

Ask for my blessing and my Peace. I am the King of Peace, my Peace is the fruit of my Holy Spirit, it is a foretaste of eternal joy. My Mother is the Queen of Peace; ask her to reign in the Peace that I give to your heart. Holiness is harvested in Peace.

Messages from Jesus, Mary and God the Father

Received by Joseph of Jesus and Mary
The Work of God Apostolate
Messages from Jesus, Mary and God the Father mjm©#807


The Work of God

 Messages from Jesus, Mary and God the Father - Peace