A foot of the Infant Jesus and a foot of the Child Mary
I woke up at four o'clock in the morning and began to repeat this little prayer: It is not I who lives but Christ who lives in me, It is not I who lives but the Child Jesus and the Child Mary who live in me, I say this often. It is my desire to follow the Gospel which tells us that the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to children and to those who can be like children. Several times I have seen the feet of the adult Jesus coming out of mine, and also those of the Child Jesus.
On this occasion, instead of my left foot, I saw the foot of the child Jesus, perhaps seven years old, and on the right side, almost next to his foot, the tender foot of the Child Mary, which was a little darker in color and smaller. This filled me with great joy, for it was an answer to my prayer, and I continued to pray. After a few minutes I saw a lady who walked in front of me, stopped and moved gracefully as if to show me her dress. I saw her only from the waist to the feet, it was white like handmade silk, divided in three colors, white from the waist down, then light blue, and ending in reddish pink, all in equal parts.
In that dress I saw the purity of the Virgin Mary, I also saw how in it, there is a part of Jesus represented by the blue color that represents the power of God, as in the paintings of the Sacred Hearts, and the other part represented by the reddish color that represents the blood of Jesus. This woman, I thought, was the Virgin Mary, showing me how She also is full of Jesus.
Child Jesus visions |